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In 2006 the Brazilian Computer Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC) proposed five major challenges in computer research in Brazil. The fourth challenge, "Participatory and universal access of the Brazilian citizen to knowledge", involved Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). The objective of this challenge was to overcome the barriers that impeded access and interaction by designing systems, tools, models, methods, procedures and theories capable of giving Brazilian citizens access to knowledge. In addition, interactive technologies are penetrating into every aspect of daily life. In this context, interaction design raises questions about how to design systems that are suitable for all users. This research aimed to understand how to adapt an interaction codesign process for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) participate. The starting point was the analysis of a codesign process, SPIDe, with the objective of identifying, adapting and evaluating design solutions for the participation of D/HH in the entire process. A case study was conducted at Wilson Lins state school with a group of students from six to nine years old to test the adapted process. In this case study, it was created an educational game by codesign with the children. As result, the children designed two videogames, created by e for D/HH children, whose goals are to help deaf children’s literacy, teaching numbers systems and the alphabet. In addition, the children recognized themselves as producers and the games are imbued with elements of their culture. From these results, guidelines and indications were defined on how to conduct a codesign process with D/HH children and also about possible extensions of this process.

ZABOT, Diego. (SPIDeKids:) adapting an interaction codesign process for deaf or hard of hearing children participation. 2019. 163 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciência da Computação) Instituto de Ciência da Computação, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, BA, 2019.