This paper presents a research in progress about an interaction redesign of an educational software based on a new semio-participatory approach. Brazil is a multicultural country, and its diversity may affect the educational and interactive processes. With the increase of digital technologies use into classroom, the impact of the people culture on interaction with that technologies should be consider. Particular cultural context makes for the people use solely specific signs of their signification systems, ignoring possible signs that are unknown. Based on the Semiotic Engineering and Participatory Design, this study aims to develop a multicultural interaction design approach which support end-users’ diversified needs. An action research is adopted to drive an interaction redesign. Using the Semio-participatory approach is expected to be possible to introduce the cultural and pedagogical characteristics of subject-users on the interface, developing a multicultural interaction.
Ano de Publicação
ROSA, JEAN; MATOS, E. S. Multicultural Interaction Redesign Using a Semio-Participatory Approach. In: Maria Cecilia Calani Baranauskas; Kecheng Liu; Lily Sun; Vânia Paula de Almeida Neris; Rodrigo Bonacin; Keiichi Nakata. (Org.) Socially Aware Organisations and Technologies. Impact and Challenges. XIXed.: Springer International Publish, 2016, v. 477, p. 240-242.